The Spiritual Intelligence Podcast
Awaken Your Inner Power

"We are, as humans, the intersection of the form and the formless, the human and the spiritual. When you start to look, and when I started to consider, the wholeness, looking at who we are whole and integrated, a picture of that, I started to realize there is so much more we're bringing to the table than we realize."

~ Barbara Patterson

Spiritual Intelligence Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power

Welcome to the 24th episode of the Spiritual Intelligence (SQ) Podcast ~ Awaken Your Inner Power ~ where Daniel Martinez Stahl and Barbara Patterson explore:

  • How it's not about inner power, but where our empowerment comes from. 
  • In a clear, more open, present mind we just all do better.
  • Knowing we are OK no matter what gives us the permission to be more creative, to explore beyond our comfort zone.
  • Where we come from in a conversation has much more impact than the words we use.
  • When the mind thinks it knows something, it shuts down and stops learning.
  • The most profound improvement is to see the wholeness of who we are; complete as is, with no improvement necessary. 
  • Our own curiosity and willingness to let go of preconceived ideas, of how things work, will serve us far grater than any 5-step plan.

YouTube Raw Video of Interview

Barbara Patterson

  • How it's not about inner power, but where our empowerment comes from. 
  • How a settled and present mind gives us more mental bandwidth and allows us to access creativity and wisdom.
  • In a clear more open present mind we just all do better.
  • This other element, the deeper intelligence, what's behind the deep well of being that sits within, is critical for all of us.
  • What makes it easier to let go of the wheel a little is the recognition that we are all designed to thrive.
  • Knowing we are OK no matter what gives us the permission to be more creative, to explore beyond our comfort zone.
  • The deeper intelligence we're pointing to has our back, and we'll get insightful, helpful thinking in the moment. 
  • Where we come from in a conversation has much more impact than the words we use.
  • How in a disturbed mind, our options look limited; in a limited mind, our options look limited. Is it possible that the limitation or the worry is an illusion of the mind?
  • The importance of maintaining professional expectations without having them influence our ability to listen and be present, both as a boss and an employee. 
  • Listening with a quiet mind, with nothing on the mind, without our old thinking. 
  • When the mind thinks it knows something, it shuts down and stops learning.
  • The impact of what we hear comes from within ourselves, not from the person speaking.
  • Preference is memory and memory is thought. 
  • Anxiety in the moment is telling you of your state of mind in that moment, it is not predicting the future. 
  • Approaching every relationship with a fresh perspective, without the influence of previously created conclusions.
  • The most profound improvement is to see the wholeness of who we are; complete as is, with no improvement necessary. 
  • We are the intersection of the form and the formless.
  • Getting curious about how resilience, creativity, peace of mind, fresh thinking, and their okayness is inside, that we come with that, is an insight rich direction to look towards.
  • Getting a feeling for our internal climate and how it relates to how we experience the world around us invites insights.
  • How our own inner intelligence will show us the way, allow ourselves to keep looking and exploring. 
  • Our own curiosity and willingness to let go of preconceived ideas, of how things work, will serve us far grater than any 5-step plan.

About Barbara Patterson:

Barbara Patterson has lived and worked in Europe and the US, and has over 20 years experience coaching and working globally as an internal executive and outside consultant. Her diverse portfolio includes work with businesses, their leaders, teams, entrepreneurs, coaches and consultants in various fields of work.

Her previous experience as an executive in a large global organization gave her a solid grasp of what it takes to lead in a fast-paced, demanding culture. Responsible for talent management, executive development, change management and employee engagement, she understands the nature of corporate organizations and the challenges faced by their leaders.

As someone who has moved overseas to pursue opportunities in her past, as well as years of running a successful coaching & consulting business of her own, she understands how to navigate transitions gracefully, take risks, and make big life changes. She knows what it takes to create a business that has wide-spread impact and leverages expertise and passion in service to others.

In addition to building a successful consulting and coaching business, she mentors and trains other coaches and consultants to build their own practices, and teaches the same principles that were the catalyst for her own transformation.

Website: www.BarbaraPatterson.com

Podcast: Real Business Real Lives


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Daniel Martinez Stahl Channeling Spirit Virtual Summit Bio Pic

Daniel Martinez Stahl works with people who want to thrive in this life, with the willingness and courage to question conventional ideas and a desire to look within to access the power of their infinite potential. People who are driven to improve their life by exploring what it means to be both Spirit and Human; who have a curiosity about life itself, of how the mind works and about the relationship between their body, mind and spirit. Fundamentally, someone who is committed to change their life to a new normal by aligning with their higher self, innate well-being and inner wisdom. 💧  www.DanielMartinezStahl.com 

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